Saturday, October 10, 2015

Packin' in the 'Za - Sunday, 4 October

As I was having a coffee on rue Montorgueil this afternoon, a dad with three little kids and a stroller came sauntering down the street. The kids were singing “Old McDonald had a farm” in French. It was so cute. After they passed by me I thought oh, rats, I should have shot some video. I’ll choose to blame my lapse on jet lag, not old age!

Getting ready to close
a little after midnight
For some reason that I really can’t explain, I like to have a pizza for dinner the first night I’m in town. Usually I go pretty early – it might be gauche to eat at a classic French resto at an early hour (before 8 pm), but not so much at a pizzeria – and besides, that way I can get to bed early and hopefully reset my internal clock a little more quickly.  But tonight I went at 10:30 (took a longish nap in the early evening!) to O’scia, just outside my door. The place was hoppin’ until about midnight. 42, rue Tiquetonne

Check out my “personal size” pizza quattro stagioni (with artichokes, mushrooms, olives, salami, basil and lots of mozzarella!) – it was about 12"x14" and very tasty!

These girls sitting next to me were really packing in the food - most impressive!
After that I was ready for dreamland…zzzzzz…..

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