Saturday, July 22, 2023

Gardening, Paris Apartment Style! - Saturday, 22 July

So, this afternoon I was deadheading and watering the geraniums in my window boxes, and I glanced down to see a tourist gawking up at my building (a common occurrence - it's 14th century, one of the three oldest in Paris, about the same age as Notre Dame).  Then she grabbed a camera and took a picture.  Whoo hoooo!  The caption in her vacation scrapbook will probably read "little old building with quaint old Parisian watering her flowers" - at least I hope so!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm right there with ya, Mariellen! I can never resist waving at people to see their reaction. Most wave back. It's so much fun to sit and gaze at the goings-on on the street!
-Debbie Lesser