Sunday, September 30, 2018

Tiny, Cute, Comfy, Just Right! - Sunday, 30 September

Outside the gate, looking
towards Place des Victoires

My front gate
My studio apartment for this trip is tiny (but not cramped), cute, efficiently organized, with an elevator, and in a prime location just off rue du Louvre at 47, rue Etienne Marcel in the 2nd arrondissement.  Check it out!
Louis XIV, presiding over the Place

Clever use of dormer space
for closets
The bed tucked into an
alcove.  And my PJs match
the bed linens!
All the kitchen equipment
you need for a short stay!

Tiny shower, but it
did the job!
The view out my little dormer window

Saturday, September 29, 2018

EEK! Mechanical Problems! - Saturday, 29 September

This morning I got a message that my direct Minneapolis to Paris flight was canceled. Mechanical troubles. EEK!

After some back-and-forthing I was re-booked to an MSP-DTW-CDG itinerary. The only problem (other than an undesirable layover) was that I needed to leave home 3+ hours earlier.  And I still had to bring Cyrus the Great out to Cat Nap Inn. And pack my suitcase.  And finish some projects.

A few hours later, here I sit in Detroit waiting for my burger in a sports bar.  And trying to remember what, in my haste, I forgot to pack!  Oh, well.  Better to be a bit flustered than to be flying through the atmosphere in a defective tin can. And lookie, I can see them loading my plane from my table!  And the cuisine can ONLY get better.