Saturday, May 7, 2016

The Best Pizza – Thursday, 5 May

I almost always have pizza my first night in Paris (not sure how that tradition started, but it’s sticky).  This time I waited until my last night in town.

And gosh, this was tasty. The sun is just setting at 9:30 (Paris is at 49 degrees north latitude, about the same as Baudette MN, almost on the Canadian border), it’s starting to cool down, and I'm sitting at a sidewalk table just across the street from the apartment, eating this huge pizza with yeasty almost-charred crust, crushed tomatoes, 'shrooms, olives, artichokes, salami, mozzarella, & basil, and drinking a draft Peroni. And all for 19 euros at at O’scià Pizzeria Napoletana.  42, rue Tiquetonne

C'est la vie.

I’m packing for an early morning departure tomorrow, so I need my nourishment. Or so I'm telling myself.  But wait, I don't need to make any excuses!

And just one more shot from the neighborhood, this of the elementary school at the end of my block.  Not bad!

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