Sunday, October 14, 2012

Tagliatelle aux Deux Saumons: Try this at Home, Kids! - Sunday, 14 October

Most restaurants are closed on Sunday evenings, and after a long day of travel and a short afternoon of strolling, I wasn't in the mood to venture very far for dinner.  So I just grabbed a sidewalk table under an awning and a heater at "Bianco," a pizza-pasta place on rue Montorgueil, just a couple blocks from the apartment.  I decided to try their Tagliatelle aux deux saumons - tagliatelle pasta with poached and smoked salmon and crème fraîche for a sauce.  It's a great idea - chunks of poached salmon tossed in with the pasta and a couple thin slices of smoked salmon placed on top just before serving - and it was pretty good - but with a few small adjustments, it could be fabulous.  A squeeze of fresh lemon juice in the crème fraîche wouldn't go amiss, and some chervil or "fines herbes" (Italian parsley, tarragon and chives chopped together) would bring it to a whole different level without much effort at all.  Give it a try, kids!

One of my stops this afternoon was the great Stohrer patisserie, the oldest bakery in Paris (established in 1730 in its current location on rue Montorgueil).  I picked up a slice of pâté en croûte aux morilles (pork country pâté with morels in a pastry casing) - I'll write about it after I have it for breakfast tomorrow!  But I also grabbed a vanilla Éclair for dessert back in the apartment tonight.  WOW!  A very thin casing of choux pastry enveloping intensely vanilla crème pâtissière, topped with vanilla frosting and a couple little flecks of gold leaf for good measure.  Life is sweet!

1 comment:

Grace Anderson said...

Please eat every flavor of eclair that you encounter. Also try the various sizes...petit to grande!