Friday, September 20, 2019

What's Happenin' in Town - Thursday, 19 September

So, back in the day my favorite thing to do upon arrival was to pick up a copy of the weekly "pariscope" magazine - usually about 180 pages of in small fonts on light newsprint that listed all of the "stuff" going on in town for the week (published every Tuesday) - resto news, theatre listings, movies, special art exhibitions, music of all kinds, festivals, industry shows, events for children, etc. etc. etc.  I would grab one at the airport and start planning my entertainment on the journey into town.  For a while it even had an English-language section.

When it went out of publication a couple years ago, another similar magazine called "l'officiel des spectacles" picked up the slack with a similarly formatted weekly.  Today I didn't even see that at the neighborhood newsstand (perhaps they were just out of stock).  Happily, you can find articles, listings, photos, etc. on their website:

Today I didn't even see l'officiel des spectacles at the neighborhood newsstand, but I did find a new monthly color glossy called "Arts in the City."

It's a little hard to tell from this photo, but the descriptions are mostly in French with an English synopsis just below the green separator line.  (Click on the photo to get a larger view.)  Lots of fun stuff in this month's 135 pages!  And it's only 3.9 euros - do yourself a favor and pick up a copy!

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