Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Kindness of Strangers - Thursday, 26 September

Early this morning as I was leaving the apartment with a suitcase, a carry-on, my purse, a bag of garbage, and my cane it “just so happened” that a gentleman in another apartment on my floor was leaving too. This actually is rather remarkable since there were only three apartments on the floor.

He pushed the button for the elevator and nothing happened. Sometimes the exterior door can get stuck on another floor or someone can push the “stop” button to give them time to get things off the elevator and forget to turn it back on. Anyhoo, he ran up the stairs to the 6th floor and sure enough, with jiggling the door the elevator started working. After walking back down to the 5th he held the door for me, loaded my stuff in the elevator for me, and indicated that I should use it while he took the stairs. [It’s an elevator with an indicated capacity of 4 people, which means me and my two suitcases!]

I beat him down to the ground level, and started pulling my bags out of the elevator. He came along and helped. Then he took my garbage to the bins for me. Then he wheeled my cases outside for me.

I could have tugged and shoved and taken things one-at-a-time and managed, but God bless this stranger for helping a damsel in mild distress.

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