Not every lunch is haute cuisine, but they're pretty much
always tasty. In her “Food Lover’s Guide
to Paris” book and app, Patricia Wells recommends Bar de la Croix Rouge, a café
right at my corner that's always packed, so I tried it today. Toasted Polaine bread (from the bakery just down the street) topped with
thinly sliced yummy rare roast beef on a bed of salad greens dressed with
mustard vinaigrette and a flurry of sliced cornichon. Heavenly! And they have
Leffe on tap. And the espresso is very good. All for 18€. A winner! I could get
used to this.
Across the intersection I found a guy assembling and
selling little bundles of lavender. Can’t go wrong for 5€. And he put on his chapeau when I asked if I
could take his picture!

A display of terrine “baguettes” outside Comtesse du
Barry in another portion of my intersection called out to me, so I just had to buy one! I got the tube of nine 70-gram cans of duck,
chicken, pork and goose terrines. Very
cute, and I’m hoping they’ll be very tasty.
I also grabbed a tin of sardines – because the tin was cute and, I mean, why not?!?
Then just a few steps back around the corner to drop
everything off at the apartment. I am so dang spoiled.
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