Thursday, June 11, 2015

Future Famous Faces of Classical Music - Wednesday, 10 June

Grant Luhman. Remember this name and this face. You’ll be hearing big things from him in the years ahead (if you haven’t already!).

Grant is the co-founder, along with Emily Green (she’s a horn player, so you know she’s smart!), of Young Musicians of Minnesota (YMM).  He is now studying composition and oboe performance at Indiana University, and it just so happens that he’s in Paris for a month studying at IRCAM (Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique), founded by Pierre Boulez in 1977.  It’s adjacent to, and associated with, the Centre Pompidou.  Read about IRCAM here: IRCAM  Read about YMM here: YMM

Since Grant’s school is close to my favorite street, rue Montorgueil, I decided that I’d better introduce them!  So we met up for an early-evening drink and a chat at one of its several terraces.  It’s the Parisian thing to do!

Grant told me that Boulez has traditionally met with the students at the IRCAM course, but due to his health issues (he’s 90 now), he won’t be able to do so this summer.  Nevertheless, he’s loving his course and Paris (bien sur!).  And he even got to a concert up at the new Philharmonie de Paris before I did (my ticket is for Sunday – I can hardly wait!).

It’s always great to see the future famous faces of classical music and to absorb some excitement and insight from them.  Take advantage of it when you can!  And remember this face!

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