Saturday, October 4, 2014

Why do Some People Make it Hard to be Honest? – Friday, 3 October

One of the reservations I made a few weeks ago was for dinner tonight at Saturne, one of the hot new restos in Paris, and one that happens to be just down the street and around the corner from me! Their online reservation system didn’t provide the option to reserve for one person, so I went ahead and booked for two, planning to apologize when I got there.

They called this afternoon to confirm my reservation and silly old me politely said “actually, it’s for one person, not two.” The reservation guy said, “pardon, madame, we don’t have room for one person - I'm sorry.” Really? You had room for two, but not one? And you offer tables for other odd numbers (leaving one seat vacant) but can’t accommodate little ol’ me? What if I told you that I was a world-famous food blogger? (OK, that’s not quite the whole truth, but…) Grrrr. I should have just shown up and apologized at that point and seen if they would turn me away in person. Live and learn, hey? I would still like to eat there, so maybe I’ll see if I can swing by for lunch as a walk-in one of these days.

I slept in very late this morning to catch up on my beauty rest (not sure that it worked!) and to help my legs recover from the last couple days. Then it was time to explore the ‘hood a bit, buy some supplies and foodstuffs for the apartment, check out what’s new on rue Montorgueil (my favorite food street, just a couple blocks from the apartment), and enjoy the sunshine at sidewalk cafés.
"Coffee Break!"

After picking up an Eric Kayser baguette aux céréales, cheeses (Mimolette and Brie with truffles), salami, olives, jam, yogurt, coffee, paper towels, laundry detergent, chips, and a chocolate éclair, it was time for a “coffee break!”

Then back “home” to get caught up on reading and writing and noshing on the bounty in my larder (not quite the glories of Saturne's menu, but not bad either)!

A gaggle of schoolkids out for a walk

Can you smell the truffles in this Brie? No? Oh, well, I tried!
You'll just have to believe me when I tell you that it's intoxicating.
And it tastes even better! 

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