Thursday, March 30, 2017

Time to Use Up the Leftovers, and Mariellen in Julia's Corner! - Thursday, 30 March

(This post from Provence)

No trips to the Super U for tonight's supper! We leave Julia's home tomorrow morning, so it was time to clean up everything we could.

We still had eggs, so by popular demand we had an encore of "omelettes fines herbs" with fine strips of last night's leftover pork loin, green salad, Madeleines and ice cream. Simple but satisfying, as we had to hit the sack early - three of the gang had to leave by about 4 am for early flights on Friday!

In the kitchen there's a great photo of Julia presenting a platter full of goodies on the center island. Here's the photo, here it is in context, and here's yours truly posing in the same spot! I'm sure that our meals didn't approach hers, but we did try to do her proud in her kitchen!

Log live the memory and influence of Julia Child.

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