Sunday, March 2, 2025

When Assistance Takes a While and it's Chilly - Sunday, 2 March

You've been waiting for mobility assistance news from the sprawling Charles de Gaulle airport, haven't you?!?  (The last few trips have provided unique experiences, challenges and delights in almost equal measure - check out those stories elsewhere in this blog)

Well, today the wheelchair assistance service presented a new twist.  I was excited that the plane pulled up to a jetway (rather than parking out on the tarmac somewhere), and that they had ordered a wheelchair to meet me at the airplane door.  I hoped that the assistant would roll me all the way through the hallways, monorail shuttle, passport check, baggage pickup, etc.  But alas!  There was another group of six passengers who apparently had trouble walking long distances (although they didn’t request wheelchairs) and there were only two attendants.  So the attendants called for a small van (rats – these things are hard to get in and out of) to take us to the transfer point.  But the worst part was that we waited in a cold drafty jetway for 45 minutes (it was about 34 degrees F. and windy this morning).  I should have asked to shift from the wheelchair to a regular chair so that I could at least move around a bit while waiting for the van, but who wouldda thunk that it would take 45 minutes?  A couple times I was sorely tempted to get up and walk the distance, but realized that I might be the only person in the hallways (since the rest of the passengers had long ago made their way out), which could be risky if I were to trip and fall.  So I waited.  

Eventually the van came and drove us through the underbelly of CDG to another mobility assistance area where a very nice agent took me the rest of the way, handled my bags for me, jumped the G7 taxi queue for me, and and took me right to the car.

Now, at the apartment after a bit of a nap, I’m congested and sneezing.  Not that I'm complaining, but, well, I sort of am!  Hopefully one day of rest will take care of it.  It looks like 50s and 60s with sunshine for the upcoming week.  Wow!

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