Wednesday, February 1, 2023

A New Dog Park! - Wednesday, 1 February

So, after lunch I decided to head over to some of my former haunts around rue Montorgueil to pick up a couple supplies and to see if there was something I just had to get from E.Dehillerin, A.Simon, G.Detou, La Bovida and/or M.O.R.A!  (They're all cookware and culinary supply shops.)  And I needed to walk off some calories!

And what did I encounter, but a little doggy park at Les Halles, just outside E.Dehillerin!  The dogs were so cute and they were moving fast!  I should have thought to take a video, but sorry, you'll just have to live with a snapshot.

And oh, ya, I did manage to find a few little things that I "needed" at the cookware shops!

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