As I’ve reported before, The American Church in Paris is my favorite Sunday haunt. On the banks of the Seine in the 7th arrondissement just downstream from the spectacular Pont Alexandre III and the Esplenade des Invalides, this nondenominational Protestant church established in 1814 draws people from all over the world whose first or second language is English – I have never seen a more racially diverse congregation anywhere. It’s always packed, and today there were even people filling the benches in the side aisles. They have a variety of terrific music programs in addition to solid preaching and study groups and outreach programs and superb post-service coffee!
This morning their Angel and Spirit Choirs (the youngest children) sang “I am a Child of God” by N.W. Randall and M.T. Pettit. The anthem started with four tiny singers singing sections of the first verse in succession – sweet little voices, and right square on pitch. Wow!
Then their handbell choir played "Peal con brio" by Karen Thompson between the Psalm and the Epistle. They did it from memory, but not as a processional like the intrepid ringers in this video! Handbellers, if you don't know it, get yourself a copy!
Finally, for the offertory the adult choir sang a stunningly simple and moving anthem called "This Gift is Free" written by Fred Gramman, their music director and organist (who has been there since 1976 – he moved to Paris in 1972 for organ study with Marie-Claire Alain and Maurice Duruflé). I talked with Fred after the service and asked whether this anthem has been published. Yes indeed it has, by ECS Publishing. He asked if I would like a copy – hoo boy, would I ever! – and not only did he find one for me, he gave me his own marked-up copy! I scored the score! It's based on Isaiah 55 – so appropriate for World Communion Sunday today. Choir people, check it out and buy some copies for your choir! For more about Fred:
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