Friday, April 19, 2013

Mini Mini Envy - Thursday, 18 April

After being out-and-about much of the day, I returned to my 'hood to find a beautiful little girl driving a bright pink "toy" electric Mini Cooper down rue Tiquetonne.  I must say that what she lacked in accuracy she made up for in cuteness.  Her mom/sitter was having a hecuva time keeping her from running into people.  Then another little girl of the same age who just happened to be in the vicinity really wanted to go along for a ride.

Honestly, I tried to take several photos, but passers-by kept getting in the way while they stopped and oohed and aaahed, or the girls suddenly darted in some other direction.

And once they headed straight for me.  Happily, mom kept them from knocking me over, but are these kids cutie patooties or what?!?  Love love love the casual Parisian scarf tying technique on the girl on the left!

I have a real Mini but gotta say that I'm a bit jealous because it's not nearly as fun as this mini Mini.

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