My favorite baker, Jean Luc Poujauran, sold his gorgeous little retail establishment on rue Jean Nicot almost 10 years ago. Its cute pink exterior and blue awnings are still there, but without JLP's magical natural baguettes, mind-blowing croissants, spectacular canneles, and countless other good-for-your-spirit treats (which, of course, I believe are good for your body as well!). He now bakes breads for the best restaurants in town from his business next door (see the JLP above the non-entrance?). I gotta get a list of those places! Better yet, let's get him to open a retail outlet somewhere again. Join me in the chant: "Come back to a shop, JLP, JLP!"

I think I read somewhere that he also teaches classes. Gotta research that too. I'm sure that I would learn a lot if I could just avoid falling under the spell of his gorgeousness!
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